This Ball’s Falls engagement photos had us all pushing our boundaries | Lincoln, ON

Andrea and Dylan are your classic sweet couple who were very uncomfortable in front of the camera. Looking at their Ball’s Falls engagement photos, you’d never have known though. I followed their cues and worked to find a way to make them feel at ease.

Balls Falls Engagement Photos

We had originally crossed paths at a bridal show, but they were still trying to decide what is for them. I could see they were nervous at the idea of wedding photography, so I had an idea. I decided to give them some free tickets to one of the upcoming National Bridal Show. This meant they had the opportunity to see lots of different photographers and their range of styles until they found one they liked. As it happened, they gravitated back to me and we ended up arranging their engagement and wedding collection. Sometimes great things happen when you give without expectation of receiving a reward.

Balls Falls Engagement Photo

Engagement Photos at Balls Falls

Engagement Photo at Balls Falls

The importance of a dry run for your big day is paramount, as we learnt from this Ball’s Falls engagement photos

Engagement Photographer at Balls Falls

Engagement Photographers at Balls Falls

Engagement Photographer for Balls Falls

Engagement Photographers for Balls Falls

Balls Falls Engagement Photography

Ball’s Falls is located in Lincoln, on the outskirts of Niagara on the Lake and offers two stunning waterfalls. The forested area and some picturesque outbuildings and bridges gave me plenty of opportunities to get creative.

Falls Engagement Photos

Falls Engagement Photo

Niagara Engagement Photographer

Niagara Engagement Photographers

They had chosen to wear burgundy which complemented the surroundings without competing for attention. As we started the shoot in the woods, Andrea and Dylan didn’t want to look at the camera. Decided to hang back to give them some space and allow them to reconnect. I had the great idea of perching them atop the stone ledge directly above the waterfall.  Managed to find a great spot that allowed me to capture them and their surroundings, so they felt alone. The detail in the composition was spectacular, with the rock ridges, waterfall, and the foliage offering a natural frame.

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I followed their cues and captured them naturally enjoying themselves rather than trying to pose them. This led to much more natural shots where their love shone through without any awkward smiles. Playing with natural elements always pushes my creative buttons and I was pleased with the result of their reflection in the water.

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Engagement Photos in Lincoln

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Living life on the edge during these daring Ball’s Falls engagement photos

Falls Engagements

Photographs of Engagement at Balls Falls

Sunset Photos at balls Falls

I loved the look of the rustic barnboards of the outhouse. The symmetry of the boards and angled joists added some interesting textures and detail to the set ups. The natural highlights of the boards, rich with a naturally weathered look created more depth to the images.

Fall Engagement Photos in a Barn

Ball Falls Wedding Pictures

Barn Engagement Photos

Barn Engagement Photo

By the end of their Ball’s Falls engagement shoot, they had warmed up to my presence and were open to looking into the lens. I wanted to capture the waterfall behind them, but the angles weren’t allowing me to get it all in. As luck would have it, there was an old garbage can that elevated me high enough to achieve my vision.

Falls Photos in Niagara

Falls Photo in Niagara

Not everyone is comfortable being in front of a camera or with public displays of emotion on demand. By taking the time the make your couple feel at ease and finding a style that fits their comfort level, you can make it work. Andrea and Dylan came full circle in the photoshoot, and by the end of the session they had visibly relaxed. This served as a great practice for their big day which I am excited to shoot in Fall of 2018 at beautiful Club Roma at Niagara on the Lake..

Fall Engagement Photos in Lincoln

Fall Engagement Photos in Niagara on The Lake

Photos taken by Dragi Andovski, published ©2018 DA Photography
Photography Location: Balls Falls, Lincoln, Ontario.
Here you can check another engagement photo session taken by a waterfalls in a fall.

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