DA Moments: This Wonderful World

There comes a time where every photographer must ask the question, why do I do what I do?

It doesn’t always come with great trumpets and fanfare, either. More often than not, the answer comes to you in simple moments that are truly breathtaking to behold and participate in. That’s why we created this type of post; We want to bring you with us on that journey.

One of the most poignant examples of this was at a recent wedding we did, for the beautiful couple, Anson and Aneidah.

The wedding ceremony concluded several hours earlier and the guests had already poured into Destiny Convention Center for the reception. You could feel the happiness, sense of freedom and joy that swirled around the room in such a way that you couldn’t walk through it without bursting into a smile or in this case, shedding a tear.

I had teared up many times before at weddings when the groom sees his bride, when the father sees her for the first time as well, or when siblings share a quiet word before driving to the location of the ceremony. Those innocent moments of pure joy that are so subtle and so quick, that it’s easy to miss them.

This reception however, saw me tearing up at the performance of a young boy named Jamie, singing, “What a Wonderful World”.

Jamee Entrance

Simple unto itself, but what made is extraordinary was the celebration of life taking place around it. There’s something so beautiful about a child offering the only thing they know, their joy and their song, as a gift to the couple about to start off on this great new adventure together. The simplicity of that gift can often bring the most power with it and it was such a beautiful reminder that all we really need is our joy and our song; that these two things are the most powerful gift we can give another.

Even more powerful still, the way that this translates into a photograph captures a memory beyond the basic events of the day. You see it beautifully painted on the faces of clients as they see a shot which doesn’t seem like much, but it pulls on their heartstrings in a way that reminds you, “Yes. This is why I do what I do.”


What a wonderful world.
Written by Cheryl Costello.

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