Nana & Val’s Wedding Day, Vaughan, ON

Wedding Location: Paradise Banquet and Convention Centre, Prince Room,  Jane St. Vaughan

Photography by: Dragi Andovski, assistant photography: Cheryl Costello

Text written by: Cheryl Costello

Love is a deeply personal experience, so it’s only fitting that a ceremony and reception be as intimate for a couple. Val and Nana’s wedding brought together all of the best elements of each of their personalities, while gracing their guests with the pleasure of seeing two people so genuinely in love, you couldn’t help but walk away feeling like you were changed somehow. It made you want to call up or text your loved ones and remind them that you love them because Val and Nana couldn’t say it enough.

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Whether it was the quiet peeks you could see Nana sneaking at her husband or the radiant smile Val burst into when talking about how she said yes, they were the couple that you one-day hope will be you. In fact, there was a woman at the reception area for another event, who even asked to take their picture just because they were so beautiful together and she didn’t even know them! There’s a certain enthusiasm that any couple newly in love brings out in others and despite being together for a while already, Nana and Val have a love that’s only growing greater with time. It’s unique to see a couple so openly expressive, singing one another songs and reading the poetry they’ve written for one another at a ceremony. It’s tender moments like those behind the lens, which give so much more meaning to the photos you take throughout the day of their wedding. That they shared so much of themselves in front of so many people, too, only speaks to the degree of ease with which they move through their lives and their love for one another.


It wasn’t just Val and Nana who were feeling the love, either. Family members were commenting and congratulating the happy couple, tapping into their own reserves of love within. It’s hard to watch a ceremony so beautiful and to see two people so perfectly suited for one another and not want to focus on the beauty of it all, because in truth, it comes along every once-in-a-while and is worth sharing. Truthfully, that’s the best kind of wedding and the most incredible kind of love to photograph- that which only increases, the more people see it and are graced by its subtle power.



All of the best to the happy couple in the future and I look forward to getting more pictures of you and your family as it grows!


Photos taken March 3rd , 2013 by Dragi Andovski, text written by Cheryl Costello, published at ©DA Photography.

Location: Paradise Banquet and Convention Centre, Prince Room,  Jane St. Vaughan



3 thoughts on “Nana & Val’s Wedding Day, Vaughan, ON

  1. Dear Dragi,

    Thank you so so much for your wonderful work. It was a pleasure having you take out pictures and we both felt a very comfortable warm vibe from you and your team.
    Wish you all the best and we will definitely be calling on you to take our family portrait soon!

    Nana & Val

  2. Thank-you Nana and Val, the pleasure working with you and your family was all mine (ours, mine and Cheryl’s).
    Looking forward meeting your family again and again.


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