This Port Perry engagement saw us brace -40C conditions to get the perfect shots | Port Perry, ON

Living in Canada, we are used to cold spells and have the gear to keep warm, but when we ended up shooting Christina and Denis’ Port Perry engagement in -40C deg weather, I can honestly tell you that that’s the coldest I’ve ever worked in!

Port Perry Engagement

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They knew they wanted to embrace a winter photo session and make the most of the gorgeous lake in Port Perry. It was my first time in the area and it was incredible to see people driving and even windsurfing across it! There was so much activity on the ice. Considering that it was estimated to be about 100” thick, many were able to safely engage in some of their favourite winter activities.

Port Perry Engagement Photographers

Port Perry Engagement Photo

Port Perry Engagement Photos

Port Perry Engagement Picture

An icy start to this Port Perry engagement

Port Perry Engagement Pictures

We started off their Port Perry engagement photoshoot with the two of them snuggling to keep warm with a blanket. Having a prop gave them something to hold onto and play with as they got used to my style of work. As with many of my couples, they were nervous about the idea of being in front of a camera. However, by the end, had totally forgotten any inhibitions! They were warmed up and prepped for the photography on their actual wedding day.

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Despite the cold, the sun was out in full force and the sky was a stunning, vibrant blue. The contrast between the whiteness of the snowy frozen lake and the sky made for very impactful imagery. I wanted to emphasis just how vast the lake was. I instructed them to walk out onto it to show how small they were in comparison.

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Winter Port Perry Engagement

Denis alternated between wearing a hat and braving the cold so we would warm up between shots in the car to allow them to get feeling back into their extremities. Christina was dressed in a warm winter jacket featuring a fur-like trim which offered great texture in the images.

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Best Port Perry Engagement Photo Locations

Port Perry Engagement Photography

Best Photo Location in Port Perry

The scenery was quite minimalistic, so I made use of the structures to add depth and contrast to my compositions. Not only did it add interesting lines and shades, but it meant they had things to lean against and stand between. This meant a variety of different poses and silhouettes without them ever feeling staged.

Port Perry Engagement Photographer

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Best Engagement Photo Location in Port Perry

Find out why I dressed like a ninja for this ‘cool’ Port Perry engagement

Port Perry Marina Engagements

Working in these temperatures might make others shudder at the thought, but it didn’t put me off at all. I dressed accordingly, although looked like a ninja with my balaclava, and as I was constantly moving, it was doable. The vivid colours, crisp air and surroundings translated well on camera and my couple were thrilled with the results.

Winter Photos of Engagements in Port Perry

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At the end of the day, don’t dismiss winter for photo-sessions as its uniqueness sets in apart. Just a word of advice; check the forecast and dress appropriately!

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Engagement Photographs by Lake Scugog

Photos taken by Dragi Andovski, published ©2019 DA Photography
Here you can check another engagement photos taken in winter.
Check more DA Photo Studio Weddings Instagram.

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