Alfonso D’Addese’s Family Reunion Portrait Session in Toronto, ON

The most humid day of Autumn ushered in a photo session with Alfonso’s family. His wife Judy set up the photo session to capture in time, the joy of his big, beautiful Italian family. Reserved at first, it wasn’t long before the laughter echoed all around the room we were in and filled the crevices and empty spaces in the backyard. Family portrait sessions are wonderful for the opportunity they provide outside of photography. The chance to witness a person feeling so joyous at something as simple as the presence and company of a family member has a way of making the heart smile beyond the reaches of that moment.

DA-Photography-50109eDA-Photography-50326DA-Photography-50129ed With such broad age differences, family portraits can call on all our visual senses to fully appreciate the beauty each age brings to the foreground of a picture. More than just the way our faces change or how our bodies grow when we’re younger, before all the years we live, take the wheel and carve their way into lines and wrinkles, family portraits remind us of the love that makes us all family. Like glue, love brings a family together, as does an everyday appreciation for these subtle ways that each person moves in and out of each person’s world, that only a member of that family can truly adore.


We often underestimate the power our family gives us, by standing by our side, being one of the few steadfast elements of this life. There are a good number of people and situations which will change, but what stays the same is the love that holds us up when the rest of the world keeps changing. Luckily for me as a photographer, that love is endless and gives me an overflowing feeling of gratitude for the ability to see so much good working in client’s lives.


Photos taken October 14th, 2012 by Dragi Andovski, text written by Cheryl Costello, published at ©DA Photography.

Location: Private Property, Toronto, ON



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