Children Photographer | The Brilliance of Simplicity | Baby Maria’s Session

We don’t always see it this way, but great photography is simple. Even the word photography explains its simplicity. It’s derived from the Greek word photos meaning light, and graphein meaning to draw. Photography is a method of recording images using light. That’s it. Yes, there are techniques we implement to use light effectively. But, to break it down, if there’s light we can capture an image.

Baby blue eyes - Children Photographer

Baby's Santa Hat - Christmas Session - Children Photographer Baby playing with her new shoes - Christmas Session - Children Photographer

The theory of simplicity may also be applied when choosing a location for your photo shoot. I guarantee that if you’re thinking long and hard about choosing a location, then you’re giving the decision far too much thought. The perfect example of this is Baby Maria. When Maria’s mom Rachel contacted me about arranging a photo shoot, one of her concerns was where to take the photos. She was worried her baby might not be comfortable in a new setting. I assured Rachel that her home would be the perfect background. Rachel lives on the 30th floor in a high rise and I was thrilled with the abundance of light available to me. You might think you need to schedule your next photo session in a castle or heavily landscaped park, but as you can see from Baby Maria’s photos that’s not necessary at all. We were able to create some beautiful images in just one room of Rachel’s home!
Baby's new shoes - Christmas Session - Children Photographer Baby's 1st Christmas dress - Christmas Session - Children Photographer Baby's 1st Christmas session - Christmas Session - Children Photographer Blue eyes baby - Children Photographer Morning happiness - Babies Photographer

Working with Babies

At the time of this photo shoot Baby Maria was only 9 months old. She was such an easy baby to work with. She was generous with her smiles and her good mood was contagious. Having a son of my own, I was fully aware that at any point Baby Maria’s mood might change drastically without warning. If you have kids, then you know what to expect when they start acting really giddy right before nap time. Temper tantrums. Now, these tantrums can be minor starting with whining or can result in all out screaming. Almost directly before her nap time, Baby Maria started to act quite giddy, laughing and giggling endlessly. I knew my time was limited so, I clicked one image after the next until she could no longer maintain a good attitude.
Free play during Christmas photo Session , Morning happiness - Babies Photographer Baby's smile, the happiness moment of the session -Children Photography Baby's look -Children Photography

Meeting Rachel

Rachel was referred to me by her cousin who works at the dental clinic that I did a corporate photo shoot for earlier in the year. It’s always nice to connect with families all over the GTA. Rachel wanted to have some professional photos taken so that she could send them out with her Christmas cards.  After meeting and completing this photo shoot, Rachel booked a session for her and her family to have Spring photos taken. I can’t wait to see Baby Maria again and see how much this beautiful baby girl has grown!

Baby girl -Children Photography by DA Photography The happy smile by one little baby girl -Children Photography by DA Photography The Baby -Children Photography by DA Photography

“I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best both for the body and the mind.”  ~ Albert Einstein
Photos taken by Dragi Andovski, published ©2014 DA Photography
Location: Mississauga, ON



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