Best photo location for family photos in Brampton

Deciding on a good photo location is the perfect way to start the process of planning amazing family photos. When our families are young and growing up so quickly, family photos are planned more often. With such a short time frame between each year’s session, it becomes increasingly more difficult to plan for unique images. As parents, we are forced to really test our creativity to come up with interesting locations, ideas and creative approaches to capture our fun memories of our family.

However, also as a parent, our busy lives and the limited attention spans of our young ones require us to find that one-stop shop type of location. Something close to home that is versatile, unique and practical.

Being in Brampton for over 10 years, one location truly exceeds my expectations time and again as a family photographer in that city. Certainly, it’s a location that has so many possibilities that rank it as my #1 spot for family photos in the area.

Heart Lake Conservation Area best photo location

Kids at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Families at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Family Photos at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Best Fall photo location in Brampton

Heart Lake Conservation Area Couples Photos

Heart Lake Conservation Area as best photo location in Brampton

Heart Lake Conservation Area has been one of my go-to locations in Brampton for many years. Originally, my wife had brought my attention to this spot when we visited one day for a hike. However, I had almost forgotten it until one of my clients suggested to visit. Admittedly, I hadn’t used it yet for a photo session. However, this first session proved how much I was missing before!

This location is definitely one of Brampton’s hidden jewels. For me, it is the best location in this area for sure! As a witness to this location’s potential, I would like to share the Top 10 features that make me classify Heart Lake Conservation Area as the best photo location in Brampton.

Heart Lake Conservation Area Siblings Photos

One year birthday photos at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Best summer photo location in Brampton

Group photos at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Best spring photo location in Brampton

1.) Budget friendly

As it is with many Ontario Parks, Heart Lake Conservation Area is free for children 4 years and under for day use. With adults being only $7.50 and discounts for older children and Seniors, the entrance fee is quite inexpensive for access to so many amenities. It’s the perfect opportunity to bring grandparents along for the family session for complete multi-generational memories. Other photo locations sometimes require photography permits that can cost from $100 to up to $400 for only the time of the session. Having Heart Lake as a budget-friendly option is a sure win!

Heart Lake Conservation Area baby Photography

Heart Lake Conservation Area Baby Photographer

Top photo locations in Brampton

One year birthday photo at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Top photo location in Brampton

2.) Naturally Fenced

This conservation area is naturally fenced by the trees and forrest. While there still is an actual physical barrier to keep everyone together inside the area, the space is lush and green giving kids the feeling of freedom while parents continue to have peace of mind. Heart lake Conservation Area is located within the city of Brampton but this greenery makes you feel like you have been transported to the countryside.

Family Photographer at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Children Photographer at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Family Photographers at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Top photo location in Brampton near 401

Spring family Reunion at Heart Lake Conservation Area

3.) Easily accessible, located at Highway 410 and Sandalwood Parkway

With Brampton’s rapid expansion, the concrete jungle keeps on growing. This leaves less and less greenery available for us to stop and enjoy. However, Heart Lake is located right in the middle of all this, making it very convenient for families. The park is just off of the 410 at the major intersection of Sandalwood Parkway and Heart Lake Road. It is incredibly easy to access from anywhere! As a photo location, this means fast and easy travel while skipping the traffic for your session.

Heart Lake Conservation Area birthday photos

Lakeview photos at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Best fall photo location in GTA

Spring family Reunion photos at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Family Portrait at Heart Lake Conservation Area

4.) Drive through park with many parking options throughout

Another characteristic that makes this park so fantastic is the amount of roadways you can use throughout it. The park itself is quite large with different scenery and amenities spread throughout. The roads allow you to plan to use multiple parts of the park for your session while still using your car to travel between these and park at the each one. As a photo location, not many parks offer this. There is often a lot of walking for photo sessions held in parks this large which can be tiring and time consuming.

Obviously, at Heart lake you must obey the parking rules and signs. However, they are very easy to follow with each section being well-maintained and marked. Additionally, these facilities are also accessible, making it perfect for families with strollers and mobility aids.

Best trails for photos at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Top photographer at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Top photographers at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Best photo locations at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Canada day photos at Heart Lake Conservation Area

5.) Forestry + walk areas + pet friendly

I love how unique the park is with its mix between forestry, trail areas and open green spaces. You can easily hide from the heat while walking inside the forest area. This helps keep the children entertained while giving us so many different photo opportunities. Don’t forget that Heart Lake Conservation Area is a pet-friendly photo location. Pets are welcome in the park while on a leash. This means your furry family members can come be part of photos!

Summer family Reunion photos at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Pets friendly photo locations in Brampton

Pets friendly photo location in Brampton

Heart Lake Conservation Area as pets friendly photo location in Brampton

Summer family Reunion at Heart Lake Conservation Area

6.) Lake + waterfront + boat rentals

Did I mention the lake? At Heart Lake Conservation area you have the chance to enjoy the waterfront and observe the local birds, fish and other wildlife. All of this also makes some pretty incredible photo opportunities too. There is a little dock here that I have used in countless images during my sessions. It is so serene and gives a whole different perspective than the trails and forest just steps away.

As well, you can rent boats and go fishing here as well if you would like to do something a little more sporty. Or maybe your daring enough to try out the zip lining course located in the park? The possibilities are endless to stay and play!

Zip Lining photos at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Portraits by the lake at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Pictures by the lake at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Photos at the dock at Heart Lake Conservation Area

7.) Playground + Wild Wetland Splash and Pool = Kid Approved

Playgrounds in the park offer kids an opportunity to recharge during your visit to the area. While forest trails and open greenery are always fun, play structures also allow the kids to climb and explore and parents to relax too.

In the summer time, a real hit with the kids is the enclosed splash pad and outdoor pool. There is a nominal fee to enter this area but I can say it is worth every penny. While not an actual location for photos, it is still quite the perk for family sessions. What better incentive than a little wet fun after a great sunny photo session?

Best photo location for outdoor baby photos

Best photo location for outdoor smash the cake birthday party

Baby photography at Heart Lake Conservation Area in Brampton

Kids Photography at Heart Lake Conservation Area in Brampton

8.) Public washrooms and rest areas close to photo locations

At other conservation areas, washrooms are often an issue. Sometimes only outhouse-style toilets are available for use. This is not the case at Heart Lake. Their washrooms are always open during their functioning hours and are kept clean and tidy inside. They are perfect to use if you would like to change outfits during your photo session. With small family members, having a washroom close-by is always important. Even in the remote parts of the park, there is at least small, mobile toilets there to use too. So many options!

Along with the washrooms, the picnic areas are also well-kept and clean. Throughout my visits to Heart Lake, I always see staff walking circulating, making sure there are no unwanted items laying on the ground or picnic areas. I have even seen these hard-working staff members warn some irresponsible drivers to be more careful when driving throughout the park. They are diligent, making me feel very safe in this location.

Best Photo location in Brampton

Summer family Reunions at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Top photo location for fall pictures in Brampton

9.) Large park area to work around crowded areas

If you have yet to visit this conservation area, I can tell you that you would need to do A LOT of walking in order to cover all of what Heart Lake Conservation Area has to offer. However, this also means that it is so large that you can always find locations to take photos without a crowd in your sightline. Additionally, if you visit on weekends, you will probably feel like you are the only one in the entire park!

Still, on the weekends you will find that although it is busier, the park is large enough for all of its visitors to enjoy. You will still have the privacy for your session in all of the various areas and photo opportunities.

Summer family Reunion photos at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Top photo location for fall photos in Brampton

Photos of Young Family at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Sunset Family photos at Heart Lake Conservation Area

Group Family photos at Heart Lake Conservation Area in Brampton

10.) Park for every season throughout the year

Lastly, but certainly not the least, Heart Lake is beautiful in every season of the year. In Spring, there is beautiful vegetation that allows for vibrant photos. From the green hills to bright flowers, everything coming out of winter hibernation is a great backdrop to your family photos.

In the Summer months, the large trees and forest gives much needed shade and relief from the hot days. The numerous walking trails are there to cool you down from the heat. As well, the water area is a sure hit for the kids to enjoy!

Then, there is the Fall! With the abundance of trees throughout the park, I am sure you can imagine the potential beauty of a Canadian autumn at Heart Lake. Each develops its own unique colour palette, leaving the park filled with hundreds of shades of fall colours. It’s such a dynamic look for priceless portraits of your and yours family.

Wintertime is the only season that I have not worked in this park. However, it’s not that I did not to. It’s just that the park is closed at this time. Who knows? We may be lucky to have some snow photos here during the park’s seasonal hours! I’m sure it would result in some amazing winter pictures while still having the permission to enter.

Couples photography at Heart Lake Conservation Area in Brampton

Heart Lake Conservation Area photographs

Heart Lake Conservation Area photographs by the lake

Top photography locations for family photos in GTA

Top photography location for family photos in GTA

So, that concludes my reasoning behind rating Heart Lake Conservation Area is the best photo location in Brampton. I’m sure with these 10 benefits you are able to see how some of it could work for you and your next photo session too!

Are you interested in booking your own session with me?

If you’re ready, I would be your photographer and personal guide. Contact me and it will be my pleasure to tell the story of your family fun through my photography.

Photos taken by Dragi Andovski, published ©2020 DA Photography
Photo Location: Heart Lake Conservation Area, Brampton.
DA Photography Families on Instagram
Here are links to full blog posts of families featured into this post; Adele Family, Jennifer Session, Patrick’s Family, Nadine’s Reunion, Sonya’s Session, Kerry’s photo session, Daniella’s Family, Andrea’s Session, Harjit’s Family, Fiona’s Session, Shanie’s Family,  Mona+Bal’s Session  and Jeremy’s Family.