Stunning architecture enhanced this couple’s love story during their Knox College engagement photos | Toronto, ON

Rabiya initially contacted me, wanting to photograph her engagement photos at the One King West Hotel in Toronto. Once she realized how hard it was to get a permit due to availability in December, she asked me for any suggestions. I have always wanted to shoot a wedding at Knox College as the architecture is simply stunning. And as soon as the couple saw images from there, they fell in love with the location too. One of the trickiest elements to their Knox College engagement photos was the timeline. Imran was flying in from overseas in the morning and the University of Toronto location operated on a strict 90 minute time slot.

Knox College engagement photos

Knox College engagement photo

Knox College engagement photographs

Knox College engagement photographer

Knox College engagement photographers

These Knox College engagement photos reveal an architecturally rich side to Toronto that most people never knew existed

It is so important to scout your location ahead of time. I arrived an hour early to familiarize myself with the available areas open to us and the lighting situation.  So by the time they arrived, I had my production plan in place. We were operating under such strict timeframes. Of course it would be that Imran’s flight was delayed and causing them to arrive almost an hour late! I could see they were feeling stressed as they didn’t think we would be able to shoot all we had planned. My job was to relax them and assure them that everything was under control.

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Knox College engagement photograph

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Top Photographer for Knox College engagement

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I started with some single shots of Rabiya on the stairs as Imran changed into his suit. As he joined her moments later, I had them focus on each other as they took some deep breaths and reconnected. The symmetrical lines of the structures, windows and ceiling were so rich and historic looking. It is reminiscent of something you would expect to see in Hogwarts castle in Harry Potter! With so many modern infrastructures in Toronto and without the age of European buildings, it is always great when you stumble across locations with some history behind them.

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How did we capture uniqueness of this place for their Know College photos?

Knox College Engagements

Knox College Engagement

Knox College Engagement Photography

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Indian Engagements at Knox College in Toronto

With a game plan in place, we swiftly moved from the front entrance to the stairs and balconies, leaving no space unturned. The varying designs of the stonework meant every portrait was unique. From the arches of hidden alcoves to the intricate pattern of the balcony, every corner held new photo opportunities. The staff came around to signal that our session time was almost complete. However, I felt confident that we had managed to get everything we had set out to. With this knowledge, my couple relaxed. Then, we went outside to the courtyard and were greeted with more unusual stonework and arched walkways. You could see Rabiya and Imran’s demeanour relaxing as their behaviour in front of the camera came more easily.

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Indian Engagement at Knox College

Knox College engagement photos in Toronto

Knox College engagement photo in Toronto

Knox College engagement in Toronto

Knox College engagements in Toronto

Sometimes I came across a background that didn’t offer as much scenery. At this time, I chose to focus on their closeness and the details in their expressions and connections. The weather cooperated beautifully. The overcast offered brightness but without the harshness of the sun. The repetitive design of the columns were mesmerizing. I was in my element when it came to pushing my creative boundaries!

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It was interesting watching the other photographers before and after us. To me, their approaches seemed so staged. This served as a good reminder to keep my focus on the emotional side of documenting their connections.

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Knox College Garden Weddings

Rabiya and Imran were so happy with their Knox College engagement photos that they asked me to fly to India to be their wedding photographer. Unfortunately, the timing didn’t work out for my schedule this time. But who knows, maybe one day the stars will align and I will have the opportunity to capture an Indian wedding in India!

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Photos taken by Dragi Andovski, published ©2020 DA Photography
Photo Location: Knox College, University of Toronto, ON
DA Photography Weddings on Instagram

Their wedding is feature in ” What we capture on your wedding day Part I”

Here you can see another blog post of winter engagement photos in Toronto.


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