The maternity photo sessions I perform are usually with my past wedding couples. Not saying that I don’t like to photograph maternity sessions with new clients. However, I feel that for this kind of work you have to really know your client upfront so that the connection is on the highest level. A genuine connection allows me to see and capture images that are meaningful to each unique family. It’s not just a business relationship or a one-size-fits-all photo shoot. Sometimes I am contacted by a new client who knows exactly what she is looking for and we just click. Like with Sera.
Why Sera’s maternity photo session was unique to me?
Sera-Lee’s situation was a little bit interesting. She needed photos taken on a very tight schedule as she had only two weeks until her due date! Her fiancee and the father-to-be was arriving from overseas on the day of the maternity photo session and then flying back in a week or two. Obviously, we had to work in very organized manner. Trying to keep the session prep to minimal stress (and to help keep the baby in the belly!), I was fully dedicated to what Sera wanted to document and was onboard, eager to help.
Having Sera’s inquiry already melded to my own vision, it was naturally easy to work with the couple. On our way to the photo session, I was inspired to stop alongside the road. Many times before, I had seen this particular spot and thought of how amazing it would be to take pictures in, promising myself that one day I would do it. And so we did it! We lost ourselves in the tall grass that was in the middle of nowhere along Mississauga Road. Once we got a feeling for our work, I knew the exact location for both of them to go to next. I had a vision for a very bright and light session; wanting a connection to the new arrival into happy and bright new world. After the quick stop on the side of the road, we were on way to our session in Gairloch Gardens.
Maternity Photo Session at Gairloch Gardens
I love how Gairloch Gardens changes every time that I go to photograph there. There is such a positive vibe and it is an amazingly versatile site, for sure. In the photography industry, often times locations of photo shoots are not shared publicly in order to keep it a “hidden gem” and avoid overcrowding or duplication. However, I do not share this mindset. I have an advantage of truly knowing the location and am able to spot the best area of the park for unique images based on the couple, family, weather, time of day, time of year and so on. Because I do not expect anything to be there, but simply embrace what I have and work with that, my sessions always looks very different from each other even if they happen in the same location. The beauty of lifestyle session on location!
Once Sera-Lee and her fiancé started relaxing into the session, it was easy to give them what they were looking for. Pro Tip:
There are two types of maternity photo sessions that I like to work with. A evening or “golden hour” session is when the light is rich and more “golden”. This lighting seems to really enhance and embrace the mother-to-be, reflecting her glow. My other favourite session time is during the early morning hours when the light is very bright, positive and full of energy. For Sera-Lee, we chose this early morning session and it was truly complimentary to the couple’s dynamic and vision for the session. We completed the session in record time and with so many nice images too! As I said before, Sera was only two weeks from her due date and I did not wanted to push her and exhaust her with more photos.
What drives me to photograph maternity photo sessions?
10 days after the maternity photo session, Sera-Lee delivered a healthy baby girl. I remember when I delivered their maternity prints, the little one was sleeping soundly. Funny enough this little baby two years later was helping me during Sera-Lee and her father’s engagement photo session. I enjoy being a part of all my clients life’s special moments. In Sera-Lee’s case, especially because it was outside of the order that society often dictates. This experience was real, genuine and truly happy for this family.
What is your story? Do you have a unique photography experience that you would like to share?
Here is another couple that I first connected with for their newborn baby photo session. We continued with an engagement session, full wedding coverage and another newborn session to their new addition. Life is good. If you like what you have seen here, please contact me to document your lifestyle session.
Here you can see another session taken at Gairloch Gardens in Oakville.

My passion and biggest asset is taking the time to make every client comfortable and relaxed before I even pick up the camera. The result? Photos of you that actually look like you at your best! I can prove to you how much you can enjoy having your picture taken. Lifestyle photography is about the experience that happens to be served up along side of some great photos.
Family Photography for families that like to move around and enjoy their photo time, Wedding Photography for couples looking for a mixture of photojournalistic, contemporary and traditional images and Professional Corporate headshots that are far from cheesy and stiff.