The magic of Angela and Anthony’s Toronto Zoo engagement photos began at the Modern Bride wedding show, where I first met Angela. She was very interested in my work but wanted to make decisions with her fiancé, Anthony, by her side.
How We Planned This Toronto Zoo Engagement Photos
Months later, when Angela contacted me for engagement photo details and rates. She was already set on the Toronto Zoo for their shoot. As we discussed the session, Angela shared that the otters were their absolute favourites. They wanted to include a visit to them and other parts of the zoo in their photos, setting the stage for a unique and memorable photo shoot.
Though I had visited the zoo with my family before, this would be my first time photographing a session there. I knew it would be a lot of fun, and I started thinking about the logistics and how we could execute the session.
Angela had chosen a weekend in October, which I later discovered was Thanksgiving long weekend. I focused on deciding what time to start the session, which way to go inside, and creating a road map for our visit. We decided to meet there first thing in the morning once the zoo opened to avoid many people in our shots. At the same time, we would have happier animals, assuming that they had a good night’s sleep.
Thanksgiving weekend at the Toronto Zoo
In the week leading up to the session, I realized it would be one of my busiest weekends. This is because it would be one of the last weekends with good weather, perfect for taking fall photos with all the colourful leaves still on the trees.
Angela and Anthony’s session was my first appointment of the day. Since my second session was in my hometown, I could leave early in the morning to travel to the zoo and then head back home afterwards. This schedule allowed me to avoid delays and stay on time, as the only traffic I had to worry about was between the two sessions.
Arriving at the zoo at 10 a.m., I was surprised to see that many people were already getting ready for their day of having fun with the Zoo animals. I met Angela and Anthony, and we made our way to the farthest part of the zoo. We were headed to a waterfall with a path underneath it. I made sure to take all the equipment that I would need that day, mindful that we would be walking and changing places a lot in an unknown environment for me. The weather was crisp but sunny, and I had everything I needed for creative images.
Early Morning Start for This Toronto Zoo Engagement Photos
The zoo’s layout and design gave me so many ideas for enhancing my creativity while working with these two. I began the session by photographing them from far away, including the environment in most of the photos. Slowly, we started establishing a stronger rapport, and I started getting closer and closer to them.
Angela and Anthony wanted to add personal touches to their photos. They brought along a sign for their wedding day, planned to create a save-the-date invitation, and incorporated some of their favourite snacks, such as cookies and chips. Their ideas were unique, and they were fully engaged with each other. Together, this allowed me to capture these intimate moments to share with them later on.
We moved from place to place and stopped at areas where I could see the possibility of some creative, unique and cute photos.
Otters and The Love for Them
When we discussed the session with Angela, she mentioned they were open to suggestions for everything. However, they had only one non-negotiable request: photos with the otters. We made sure to allocate time for that and arrived at the pool where the otters were, near the middle of our Toronto Zoo engagement session.
Photographing Angela and Anthony in the underground otter observation area was a bit challenging. The observation area was dark, while the otter pool was brightly lit. This made it possible to take silhouette pictures of the couple, but I was looking for something more. However, if I used lighting, the flash would be reflected off the glass, and the couple could be seen, but not the otters. With all these challenges, I chose to photograph this in a full documentary style using available light and a wide-open F1.2 on my 50mm lens.
I had a unique moment when otters seemed to sense the significance of the situation and began swimming around the couple, showing curiosity about them. This inspired me to take a candid documentary approach for the Toronto Zoo Engagement photos, making them truly special.
The Creative Way of Working With Cooperative Clients
After the otter exhibit, the connection between us had strengthened, and Angela and Anthony’s initial camera shyness disappeared. The last half-hour of the session was a burst of creativity and joy. Each shot capturing their love and the unique backdrop of the zoo. In the next 30 minutes, we captured photos that were unique not only to them but also to me. My creativity soared, fueled by the unfolding inspiration and the excitement Angela and Anthony showed each time I shared a sneak peek of the images.
We didn’t discuss wedding photos or related topics. We had so much fun that it didn’t matter to me if they booked me. What mattered was delivering what they envisioned, and I was thrilled with the results straight out of the camera.
The Perfect Experience Leads to Another Engagement Session Plus Wedding Booking
We concluded the session with photos near the Toronto Zoo sign, framed by vibrant fall leaves. Angela and Anthony were relaxed and happy, and the photos beautifully encapsulated their love story. They loved the images so much. In fact. they booked me for their wedding in Fall 2024 and a formal engagement session at Knox College and the University of Toronto. I can’t wait to share those images in future blog posts.
Credits and additional information for couples that like to see more unique sceneries for engagements and weddings.
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My passion and biggest asset is taking the time to make every client comfortable and relaxed before I even pick up the camera. The result? Photos of you that actually look like you at your best! I can prove to you how much you can enjoy having your picture taken. Lifestyle photography is about the experience that happens to be served up along side of some great photos.
Family Photography for families that like to move around and enjoy their photo time, Wedding Photography for couples looking for a mixture of photojournalistic, contemporary and traditional images and Professional Corporate headshots that are far from cheesy and stiff.