Virk’s Family Portrait Session at Gairloch Gardens in Oakville

The excitement of childhood and its wonders can bring so much life to family portrait session. My son Dorian’s best friend, Saina was the focus of one of our recent shoots and it still surprises me how comfortable children can be in front of the camera.

Little girl smile at Family portrait session

Toddlers at Family portrait session

Little girl at the lake

With her parents slightly reserved at first, she slowly opened up to the camera more and eventually we were getting about 50 faces per second!

Family portrait session

Family portrait session in Oakville

Oakville Family Photographer

Gairloch Gardens in Oakville, Ontario was the location of this particular family portriat session and it gave us so many gifts in the form of brilliant pictures. The setting, combined with the way in which Saina was fully posing in front of the camera, made for a beautiful day and a photo session that went so smoothly, it didn’t even feel like work.

Little girl at the horizon, by DA Photography

Toddler play

Toddler in the garden of roses

Gairloch Gardens Family Portrait Session

Childhood brings with it the very definition of determination and once Saina arrive at the Brampton Fire station, there was no stopping her desire to see-touch and pose with the firetruck! The firefighters were so gracious in letting us take pictures at the station with her and their equipment. There is something to be said for impromptu pictures and how long those memories will last.

Those little eyes, children photography

Girl on the firetruck

Little girl in the fire station

Giggle and the firetruck

Keep back 150 metres, by DA Photography

Saina was so excited about the firetrucks that, believe it or not, they went right back after we made our way to another location. To say that I’m excited about doing another family portrait session with Saina and her family is an understatement. I’m thrilled at the thought of capturing the young family once again and I hope to do it again soon!

Family Portrait Session at Gairloch Gardens

Photos taken June 30th, 2013 by Dragi Andovski, published at ©DA Photography. Since 2013 we did couple family portrait session with this lovely family. Check Virk’s family portrait session number two here. Here is session three from Virk’s.

Location(s): Gairloch Gardens, Oakville and Fire Station in Brampton.



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