This Distillery District engagement proved that sometimes you need to remove yourself from the equation to reap the rewards, Toronto, ON

Debralee and Justin had their heart set on a Distillery District engagement. So with a date set, we created our game plan. I love the drive behind couples who have a strong vision of what they want and where. Although I also enjoy being able to present couples who have no pre-conceived ideas, the perfect spot based on their needs.

Distillery District engagement Photographer

Distillery District engagement Photographers

Top Photographer for Distillery District engagement

Top Photographers for Distillery District engagement

Top Photographers for Distillery District engagements

As we were shooting in March, we had two major considerations to deal with; the temperature and the available light. With those two elements in mind, we planned an early morning shoot to alleviate crowds. This also gave us the opportunity to get the best possible natural light available. Lucky for us, the weather was cooperating, and we were presented with a crisp cold day, featuring blue skies and sun.

Top Photographer for Distillery District engagements

Toronto Photographer at Distillery District

Toronto Photographers at Distillery District

This Distillery District engagement proves the early bird catches the worm

Distillery District Engagement Photography

Distillery District Engagement in Toronto

Distillery District Engagements in Toronto

My couple, as most of my clients are, we nervous about being photographed. To make them feel as comfortable as possible I started out shooting from afar. By removing myself from their immediate vision, I allowed them to feel comfortable in each others presence. I sat back and tested their comfort level by seeing how their dynamics flowed. It wasn’t too long before I saw Debralee guided the emotions, whilst Justin stood behind her and stepped into the protector role.

Distillery District Engagement Photo

Distillery District Engagement Photos

Distillery District Engagement Pictures

Photographs of Distillery District Engagement

Debralee and Justin really had their heart set on this location. Knowing this, I made sure that we utilized the early morning and lack of crowds to capture the infamous landmarks. Balzac coffee, the love sign and locks, peace sign and the general industrial feel translate so well as backdrops. I made the most of the sun and got the perfect triple soft light effect as it bounced off the windows, onto the peace sign, and onto their faces. Because the sun was so bright, I focused on capturing the emotions between themselves rather than having them look at me and squinting. This allowed for raw emotional context and a much more realistic portrayal of their love for one another.

Photograph of Distillery District Engagement

Photograph of Distillery District Engagements

Best Distillery District Engagement Photo Location

Best Distillery District Engagement Photo Locations

This cold, crisp day meant blue sunny skies for this Distillery District engagement session

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Best Engagement Photographer Distillery District

Best Engagement Photographer Distillery District in Toronto

Best Toronto Engagement Photo Location

Best Toronto Engagement Photo Locations

We had so many backdrops available to us! From the wooden log wall which provided great texture, to the dangling decorative candle holders, each backdrop served a different purpose. As well, the fact we weren’t bombarded with onlookers meant they could relax and be themselves.

Engagement at Distillery District

Engagement at Distillery District in Toronto

Engagements at Distillery District in Toronto

Engagements at Distillery District

Toronto Engagements

I usually suggest to my clients to arrive onsite to a location 30mins before the call time. This allows us time to do a walk-thru and see what options we have available and to create a game plan for our photo session.

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Fun Engagement Photographer for Distillery District

Photographs of Distillery District in Toronto

Photograph of Distillery District in Toronto

Photos taken by Dragi Andovski, published ©2019 DA Photography
Lighting Assistant: Danielle Cargill
Photo Session LocationDistillery District, Toronto, ON
DA Photography Weddings on Instagram

Please see another engagement photo session at Distillery District.


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