Get Back-to-School Photo Ready

We love a good Back-to-School photo shoot with a chalkboard sign like the next person, for sure. But you don’t need the extra props to make your child’s Back-to-School photos memorable, fun and wall-worthy! All you need is a plan, a little cheerleading and some time with your child. Sounds like everyday parenting to me.

Back-to-School Photographer

Back-to-School Photographers

As a photographer parent, it is a natural instinct for me to take my kids outside on their first day and snap a variety of photos in a few minutes. I often forget that others might struggle a little with how to get the best images under pressure. I was inspired to break down some of the important pieces of what goes into memorable Back-to-School photos for my family for you. Here are some tips for you as you are preparing for your own Back-to-School photo moments:


Back-to-School Photo

Back-to-School Photos

Back-to-School Photos in Guelph

Don’t harness nervous Back-to-School energy – Use it!

First day of school jitters are not a myth. Little ones are excited to see their friends and, even if they don’t admit to it, are also eager to get back to routine. It’s a lot for them to take in. They will most likely be bouncing off the walls on the first day back. Trying out some jumping shots. Have a pre-photo session warm-up of running on the spot to get those cheeks pink and camera-ready. Instead of seeing the energy as a barrier, get your littles involved.

Twin Brothers in Back-to-School Photo

Twin Brothers Back-to-School Photo in Burlington

Make time for the Back-to-School photos.

I have to admit that although I know that I am taking photos in the morning, most times it is my wife that does this part. But I can attest that it certainly does work! Don’t just do these on the fly. Making sure that your photo session is relaxed means making sure that you are relaxed (aka not constantly watching the clock!) This is an important milestone. Allot the time you will need and be present in the moment.

Back-to-School Photo Locations

Have extra Back-to-School nerves in your house? Do this.

The Back-to-School photo shoot is an opportunity for quality time with your kiddos when they need you most. Take some candid shots. Have them make silly faces. Similarly, putting your child behind the camera to take photos of the parents on the first day back to school helps to distract them from feeling nervous. Certainly, the photo session shouldn’t seem like a “must-do” for you or your child!

Back-to-School Photo Location

Back-to-School Photo Locations in Fall

Plan your Back-to-School “thing”.

Going back to the idea of the chalkboards. There are so many ideas of what memorable photo “theme” is going to represent your family. It could be a large shirt that they wear every year until they graduate (and grow into it!). Or the same place on the front step to compare year after year. I have even heard of drawing on the driveway in chalk while waiting for the school bus in the morning. Whatever works for you, own it! And don’t forget to make it part of your plan.

Back-to-School Photos of Siblings in Guelph

Back-to-School Photo of Siblings in Guelph

Back-to-School Photography

Back-to-School Photography in Guelph

Share! And not just in a digital way.

Our social media feeds explode with full-length Back-to-School photos on the first day of school. The children are in their new outfit with big smiles. What often happens though, is the photos stay right there. The stars of those photos don’t have get the opportunity to keep revisiting the photos when they stay on your mobile device. Make sure to send in a few of your favourites in to be printed so that you can post your fun moments for everyone to enjoy.

Siblings Back-to-School Photo

Brothers in Back-to-School Photo

Do you feel inspired for your Back-to-School photo session now? Time to get your plan together and have some fun with your littles. You are Back-to-School ready!

Photos taken by Dragi Andovski, published ©2018 DA Photography
Photography Location Back-to-School One: DA Photography Studio + Private property, Guelph, ON
Photo Locations Two+Three: Heart Lake Conservation Area, Brampton, ON
Photography Site Four : Etobicoke Creek Trail, Caledon, ON 
Location Back-to-School Five : LaSalle Park and Marina, ON
Here you can check family photo session at LaSalle Park in Fall.

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