Graecin’s 6th Month Portrait Session at Monora Park, Orangeville, ON

There are times where a photographer must coax a smile from those in front of the camera, reflecting a comfort level with having pictures taken in general, than anything else in that initial moment. This is especially the case with small children, still exploring the world and understanding what a camera means but the photo shoot with Graecin spoke to the other side of the photography ‘coin’. He was genuinely fearless in front of the camera and as the shoot pressed onward, it became quite clear that he would be doing the same with the way he moves about the world, ready for whatever wonderful things come his way.

In the forest, family photographyBlue baby eyes, children photographyFamily fun by the lake Andrea and Adam, with their little one, Graecin, came for a photo session to capture him in his 6-month-old glory. Dressed in full festive Halloween regalia, he became the perfect setting, mood and focus all in one. It’s not every Halloween that you see a baby dragon out for a walk through the forest. The joy of photographing return clients lay in the subtleties of your experiences with them. You build more than just a client based relationship and find yourself entering the realm of friendship. When taking pictures for our clients, the goal is never to just take great pictures but to capture something special. Getting to know the clients better only creates more possibilities to explore for making meaningful photographs.

Family photography in FallMy 1st Halloween under costumeFamily photography,  the lake

Each photo session allows a variety of creative elements to shine through and when the clients are playful this becomes even more exciting to watch unfold. There’s a certain lively element that a session can take on when all of these pieces comes together. What becomes even more entertaining is watching how a child grows and with all that love surrounding them, emerge from infancy into young childhood with all the best qualities of their parents and life experiences thus far. I’m looking forward to future photo sessions with this little pumpkin-dragon and his family!

My 1st Halloween costumeFamily PortraitFamily Portrait in the forest during Fall season Photos taken October 20th, 2012 by Dragi Andovski, text written by Cheryl Costello, published at ©DA Photography.



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