Shawn Walia’s Sangeet Pre-Wedding Party in Versailles Convention Centre, Mississauga, ON

I don’t know if some of you who may read this post have been present on Sangeet (Indian pre-wedding party) but if have not I have to tell you that is one of most eventful celebration (beside the weddings one) that you may see.

From the very beginning up to the end there is constant high-energy vibrations in the air full with different sporadic events, off course plan ones.

That was case with Walia’s family sangeet party that happened last month in Mississauga.

I don’t have comments beside to thank Nimi Walia for booking me for his son wedding as well and Mr. Ved Bansal for referring me to too.

Nice food, drink, music, dance and a lot of smiles were the themes for that night.

The actual wedding ceremony took place in London, UK on 30th last month and the reception and wedding photography will happened on August the 18th this year. Until then we will have chance to photograph Shawn & Jas engagement photo session until the end of this month.

All photos are available for viewing to those which password is provided on DA Photography’s online viewing gallery.

Location: Versailles Convention Centre, Mississauga, Ontario.


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