Tanya & Little “S” Father’s Day Photo Session, by DA Photography at The Old Seed House Garden, Georgetown, ON

I will be trilled to have my family give me Father’s Day gift photos of both of them, my wife and my 18th months son. I would cherish for a lifetime those photos, I know I will. On a same idea came Tanya when she booked me to take photos of her and her little “S” as her husband’s Father’s Day gift.

We had scheduled early as we can but for two weeks the weekends were rainy so we were pushed very close tot the actual gift day, just two more days for Father’s Day.

We took the photos last Sunday and I had them ready for Tanya to view them today. I have never work so hard to make sure they have them on time to give the photos to their husband/dad. Maybe because I’m now in both of those roles? Who know?

Anyways was fun and pleasure capturing such a nice family and work with Little “S” from the garden, to the grass, on the splash pad back to her mom SUV.

Photos taken June 10th, 2012 by Dragi Andovski, published at ©DA Photography.

Location: The Old Seed House Garden, Georgetown, ON


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