Wedding Photographer | How taking the extra time to know your clients leads to better engagement photos | Oakville, ON

I had already worked with Ashley and Paolo in 2012 when I photograph their newborn baby photo session, so I was thrilled when I was approached to document their wedding and engagement photos. Building a relationship with your clients is key for getting the most out of the photo sessions. As you get to know

Heart Lake Conservation Family Photographer | The perfect outdoor photo location is closer than you think | Brampton, ON

After searching for a Heart Lake Conservation family photographer who was familiar with the location, Daniella stumbled across my blog. At the time we were both based in Brampton so were able to organize a family photo session with a fast turnaround time. Incorporating your pet into your outdoor family photo sessions Daniella made sure

Wedding Photographer | Simple elegance with this lake engagement in Burlington, ON

When Alex and Mike approached me to photograph their lake engagement, I knew the perfect location. Paletta Mansion immediately sprung to mind as it showcases the many facets that make up Burlington. They knew that they wanted something simple, clean and elegant and a representation of the area and their lives. We started out the