Wedding Photographer | Why is this a favourite photo shoot location for an engagement in Burlington?

My first interaction with Will and his fiancé S was at one of the wedding shows where they were looking for a photographer to document their engagement in Burlington.

Engagement in Burlington Photographer

We hit it off so quickly that she had already text me on the way home from the wedding show to talk dates and check availability. It was great to have such an instant connection with a client. They booked both their engagement and wedding session shortly after.

Engagement in Burlington at Paletta Mansion

Engagements in Burlington at Paletta Mansion

Paletta Mansion Engagement Photographers

Paletta Mansion Engagement Photographer

A number of clients have requested to shoot their engagement in Burlington so I was familiar with the available options. Paletta Mansion which sits on the shore of Lake Ontario is one of my favourite locations to photograph.

Engagement Photographers for Paletta Mansion

Where is the best versatile photo shoot location for an engagement in Burlington?

Paletta Mansion is such a versatile space with a large variety of looks i.e. waterfront, mansion, pond, forest and greenery.

Top Engagement Photographer at Paletta Mansion

Paletta Mansion Engagement Photography

The weather was on our side and for the day of the shoot, the sky was a bright blue colour. One of the benefits of working with familiar outdoor locations is that you can remain in control. Uncontrollable factors such as weather or multiple photo shoots at the same time are a common grievance. Luckily I know which directions to shoot in to still have great sight lines without jeopardizing the final image.

Burlington Engagement Photos

Although the couple weren’t comfortable in front of the camera, their adoration for each other made it easy to overcome.

I focused on capturing the magical few seconds that passed between them as they looked into each other’s eyes. These genuine moments full of emotion are always the keepsake images.

Top Engagement Photographer at Paletta Mansion in Burlington

One of my favourite photos was of Will holding her face. It was so natural and a powerful testament of their love.

Paletta Mansion Engagement Picture

The vibrant colours of S’s dress complimented the bright and rich hues the sun provided on the day. Her colourful and fun pink cardigan was a cute addition to her outfit.

Beach Engagement in Burlington

Important factors to consider when choosing a photo shoot location for an engagement in Burlington.

Paletta Mansion Engagement Pictures

Best Burlington Engagement Photo Location

I always suggest a change of clothes so we have the opportunity to mix up the style and look of the photo session. My couple changed into a more casual yet stylised look. The simple act of Will wearing a leather jacket completely changed the tone from the preppier look prior to this.

Burlington Engagements

Both Will and S were delighted with the outcome. The beauty of the engagement shoot is that it got them used to posing in front of the camera. It also prepared the two of them for what to expect from me on their big day. And here is their wedding day coverage featured previously on the blog.

Paletta Lakefront Park Engagement Photographer

Photos taken by Dragi Andovski, published ©2018 DA Photography

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