Heather Burnett’s Family Portrait Session, Paletta Lakefront & Mansion, Burlington, ON

Portrait sessions done by the lake offer beautiful scenery and working with this family helped to create an even more beautiful experience. Heather’s two sons Jacob & Cameron were active and playful throughout the session and it’s through their parents that a bigger picture was painted about how much love surrounded those children. There is never a doubt in my mind about how much a parent loves their child, but their willingness to do so much for their children while at the same time ensuring that their needs were tended to without spoiling them left me in awe.

This was a new experience for the family, as they had worked with another photographer before we meet each other’s. I was happy to welcome them aboard the DA Photography experience and I hope that they felt welcome as though they were a returning client. Should I start freeing up dates for next year for you, Heather? 😉

Photos taken September 30th, 2012 by Dragi Andovski, published at ©DA Photography.

Location: Paletta Lakefront & Mansion, Burlington, ON



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