One of my favourite things about being asked to be Julia and Curtis’s Glenerin wedding photographer was the chance to continue to tell the tale of an important heirloom. I love that as a photographer you are able to create a story. In Julia’s case, it was with her stunning 150+ year old jewellery. She
Studio News | Giving back to my past clients is on the top of my list for 2019| Guelph, ON
As we conclude our series of blogs breaking down the five changes we will be focusing on at DA Photography for 2019, we end with the subject of giving back. Truthfully, I have high expectations when it comes to receiving excellent service from others and I hold myself to the same standard. I’ve always strived
Studio News | The magic ingredient that defines my perfect client profile | Guelph, ON
With experience, I have come to realize that my photography style isn’t necessarily for everyone. On the other hand, I couldn’t possibly be everyone’s photographer. I mean I can move pretty quickly but really, there are only so many hours in a day! By reflecting on this, I have come to realize what my ideal