How to get the best out of your group family photos | Burlington, ON

Megan and her four sisters wanted to surprise their parents with group family photos featuring the extended family. However, trying to narrow down a date that worked for everyone proved challenging. As a photographer, group photography is always more challenging as you are trying to engage multiple people at once. The key is being able

Waiting for the perfect snowstorm panned out for this Burlington winter engagement | Burlington, ON

Christina and Thomas knew they wanted a Burlington winter engagement. Finding that perfect snowy day proved challenging. In fact, it almost never happened as we were plagued with either bad weather conditions, extreme temperatures or poor lighting. Finally, in April, I saw that we were due one last snowstorm and the forecast was for sun

This whimsical Indian Wells golf club wedding proved you can find the perfect photoshoot location in the most unlikely spots | Burlington, ON

I was so honoured when I was approached by Misha’s mother to be the photographer for their Indian Wells Golf Club wedding. I had documented her friends, Rattray family two daughter’s weddings. She was so happy with the quality of my work, that she was excited to book me for her own daughter’s wedding. As