Brenda Tam’s Family Portrait Session at Boiler House, Toronto, ON

Rain can be a daunting prospect for photographers, as you immediately find yourself traversing the plains of the great indoors, looking for the perfect pictures to reveal themselves to you. We decided to make the best of the session regardless of the weather and even got pictures outside, which was uncommon for me to work on a rain. We were immersed in the historical richness of the Distillery District in Toronto in the evening and the surroundings did not disappoint. It’s wonderful when photo shoots take place in settings that reflect something subtle about the family or couple that only those closest to them recognize.

Family Portrait, Boiler House, TorontoToddler and his hat

It is often that as a photographer you’re willing to test the limits of your experience to get that perfect shot and I found myself standing in the pouring rain. It was cold but the warmth of inspiration led me forward as the rain captured something new and incredibly special in the pictures for Brenda and her family. Sometimes photography is about taking chances because the result turns out better than you can imagine and rewards you many times over.

Dad and son on a rainy dayAt the veranda on a rainy day, family portraitToddler at the rainy day

Once we finished taking pictures outside, we moved inside where more of family’s essence was captured as the children were free to play more and in doing so, invited their parents to play along with them. It’s common to see the special love a family shares unfold before the camera once the children’s innocence runs freely through the moment the photograph captures. It’s almost like the family is telling you a secret about the place they hold in one another’s hearts. I look forward to more opportunities to capture that very love and appreciation with this family in future sessions.

Our familyMom and son, Boiler HousePortrait and Boiler HouseFamily Play time, family portrait

Photos taken October 27th, 2012 by Dragi Andovski, published at ©DA Photography.

Location: Boiler House, Toronto, ON



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