Find out why in-house lifestyle family photos will be an investment you won’t regret | Oakville, ON

How many of us look back and coo over baby photos? We marvel at their little rolls before they got old enough to run them all off! Having taken Rosy’s daughters newborn photos 3 years prior, there had been big changes in their lives. It was time to document the next chapter through these lifestyle

This whimsical Indian Wells golf club wedding proved you can find the perfect photoshoot location in the most unlikely spots | Burlington, ON

I was so honoured when I was approached by Misha’s mother to be the photographer for their Indian Wells Golf Club wedding. I had documented her friends, Rattray family two daughter’s weddings. She was so happy with the quality of my work, that she was excited to book me for her own daughter’s wedding. As

Reto’s family fall photos in Oakville represent the importance of capturing milestone chapters of your life | Lion’s Valley Park, Oakville, ON

When you have children to manage, life is a blur. Projects are put on hold and to-do-lists are a staple of never-ending things to remember. Days turn into weeks and months. Before you know it, whole chapters of our lives have passed us by. When Reto reached out to schedule these family fall photos in