Why engagement photos with dogs are becoming so popular? Burlington, ON

In this new Instagram world, we are beginning to see how important fur babies are in our lives. My friends and family’s feeds are exploding with their adorable dogs and cats in all types of scenarios. More and more, I am approached by couples who are requesting to have their engagement photos include their dogs.

Waiting for the perfect snowstorm panned out for this Burlington winter engagement | Burlington, ON

Christina and Thomas knew they wanted a Burlington winter engagement. Finding that perfect snowy day proved challenging. In fact, it almost never happened as we were plagued with either bad weather conditions, extreme temperatures or poor lighting. Finally, in April, I saw that we were due one last snowstorm and the forecast was for sun

Debbie McDowell’s Family Portrait Session at Paletta Lakefront Park and Mansion, Burlington, ON

Photo sessions with families and toddlers provide rich settings for learning not just about photography, but of how self-reliant children are. Stepping out into the world is not just a way of seeing what a child does, it is literally something they do every day and the manner in which they do it with fresh