Jennifer Alman’s Family Photo Session in Rotary Park, Milton, ON

Taking photos of family with more then one child is fun but also challenge for the parents to get anything that they had in mind before the photo session. When we consider the photo shot is outdoor that is even more hard on the parents and the photographer too, but I think we have more experience in that so we try to calm the parents first and then work with the kids before their patient give on them.

Today’s photo shot was from one happy family with three beautiful children. Only moments and place when they were calm was in their car seats. Once the touch the ground the running starts. During the entire hour of photo shot I try to capture their busyness so I knew toward the end once they will get tired, hungry, thirsty, and needy for their parents. And there are my 5-7 minutes to get them all done and get their mommy wishes for some great family photos.

 As I predict that happened at the bridge before the entrance in the forest where the open shade light beautifully illuminated the bridge was adding more details with the sidelight.

Anything afterward can be commented through the photos.

All photos are available for viewing to those which password is provided on DA Photography’s online viewing gallery. Photos taken June 10th, 2012 by Dragi Andovski, published at ©DA Photography . Location: Rotary Park, Milton, ON.


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